Alex Manson
A collection of my learnings in all things Python, AI, MLOPS, NLP, Software engineering, and Bug Bounty hunting.
- info
- posts
- 13-06-2024 the phoenix project: fiction that is close to reality
- 27-01-2024 solving aws s3 tagging limits with terraform: strategies & tips
- 20-06-2023 navigating ai's influence on truth: ethical use & misinformation risks
- 04-04-2023 enhance git commit quality with commitizen: a guide for developers
- 09-01-2023 switching from aws to simplify blog hosting: a personal journey
- 06-01-2023 setting up github ssh keys for specific repositories: a step-by-step guide
- 04-01-2023 aligning dev branch with master: techniques for git branch reset
- 23-02-2022 simplifying ssh access: avoid repeated passphrase prompts
- 04-12-2021 mastering python 3.8: positional-only arguments explained
- 21-11-2021 python 3's starred expressions: unpacking and performance insights
- 12-11-2021 correcting common misuses of python's 'noreturn' in typing
- 01-11-2021 leveraging python's walrus operator for efficient coding